The AGM has been postponed for a number of reasons (it was due to be held tomorrow Saturday 30th March).
The AGM will now be held on SATURDAY 6TH APRIL at 4.30pm at Greencastle Community Centre.
Pictured at the Moville Boat Club presentation to the Ard Aoibhinn Dementia unit in Carndonagh Hospital, Left to Right are: Mary Bridget Shiels, Agnes Burke, Siobhan Price, Nurse Manager Eileen Cooke, Sharon Thompson, Kim Banks, Lisa Hutchinson & Trish Hegarty.
Moville Boat Club made a €230 cash presentation to the Ard Aoibhinn Dementia unit in Carndonagh Community Hospital this week. The cash came from funds raised at the Victoria Thompson Ladies Sailing Race and the presentation was made by Sharon Thompson. Sharon said the race “is a special way of remembering Victoria but it also highlights year on year, the need for more children’s palliative care services.”
Club members this year wanted to show their support for the Dementia unit because it plays such an important role in the lives of so many members of our families and our community, said media secretary Trish Hegarty.
Also, at the presentation was Kim Banks, skipper of ‘Megaera’, the winning boat in the race. Kim said the annual race was “a great way for the ladies to get together, to sail and to have fun, while remembering Victoria in a special way.”
The cash presentation of €230 was accepted by Eileen Cooke, Nurse Manager at Ard Aoibhinn, the Dementia unit in Carndonagh. Eileen said funds donated to the unit help to provide days out and activities for the patients. “We have 16 beds in our small residential unit. Six of these are for long-term care, and the rest are used by patients who are here for respite care, or to be assessed.”
“Patients can be referred by their GP or Public Health Nurse but families can also contact us directly and refer a relative themselves.” Eileen said respite patients normally come for a short stay every 6-weeks. “Most of these patients are being cared for at home by a family member, perhaps with the support a home help. But carers regularly need a break and that is what we are here to provide.”
Thanks also to Moville Comunity College TY student Jessica Moir for helping out with the presentation event!
This autumn, Greencastle Community Centre will be delivering a series of evening and evening classes suited to anyone going to sea in powerboats, sailboats or kayaks.
The courses will be delivered as a series of modules as evening classes and weekend full-day sessions, based on the RYA Yachtmaster syllabus and other, specific, items.
Course costs have been subsidised by FLAG North funding.
Short Range VHF Radio Course: 2-day weekend course
Safeguarding Levels 1 & 2 -Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults —e Required by volunteers in all clubs and centres: 1 x 3 to 4-hour session per Level.
Basic First Aid: 1 x 6-hour session
Event Safety Management for clubs and committees: 1 x 2-hour session
Hypothermia & Rescue Boat First Aid: 1 x 2-hour session
Use & Servicing of personal flotation devices: 1 x 2-hour session
Safety on board / fire / rescue / communications: 1 x 2-hour session
Towing & Rescue procedures: 1 x 2-hour session
International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea: 2 x 2-hour sessions
Charts & Publications: 2 x 2-hour sessions
Chartwork & Pilotage: 2 x 2-hour sessions
Weather / Passage Planning: 2 x 2-hour sessions
Tides: 2 x 2-hour sessions
Ropes / wires / anchors: 1 x 2-hour session
Tuning of Sails & Rigging: 1 x 2-hour session
Rules of Racing: 1 x 2-hour session
Fishing electronic logbooks and reporting: 1 x 2-hour session
For details or to book, call the centre on (074) 938 1054
URGENT UPDATE: The Victoria Thompson Cup race scheduled for tomorrow has now been postponed until 22nd September. The Moville Regatta Women’s Race will now take place tomorrow Saturday 14th July instead. Please meet at the pontoon in Greencastle at 2pm for 3pm start.
Greta McTague
MBC Secretary
The results for the Lawrence Kealey Cup are as follows:
1st was Halcyone
2nd was Dream Machine
3rd was Megaera
The weather conditions were challenging, as the day was very windy but this did not stop the race!
The podium positions were as follows:
1st Megaera
2nd Guinevere
3rd Halcyone
We would like to thank the boat owners, Skippers and Crews for their participation and effort on the day. Also a big well done to everyone for the funds raised for the Pieta House Charity which amounted to over €500.
22nd – 23rd July: Dinghy Sailing Weekend
The weekend will incorporate handicap fleet racing for all boats.
Categories will include:
Junior Trophy
Women’s Trophy
Senior Trophy
There will be a barbeque and entertainment on the Saturday evening and lunches will be provided during the event for those competing. Closer to the date there will be online registration available and Sailing Instructions.
For those travelling to the event were they will require overnight accommodation a package will be put in place that will include Hotel and Bed & Breakfast at preferred rates for registered competitors. In due course, there will be a full schedule and timetable for this weekend
24th -28th July Junior Dinghy Sailing (Training Camp) Sponsored Event
This week-long training camp is aimed and bringing together juniors from different clubs were It will allow the kids to enjoy their sport but also the opportunity to make new friends and experiences. A full schedule and package of this week will be published soon. There will also be an accommodation package at preferred rates for those kids and parents attending that week.
29th – 30th July Keelboat Racing Weekend – Handicap Race Open to all Keel Boats
This is a full on weekend of racing for the Foyle Week Trophy. This weekend is being promoted to clubs and sailors from along the east coast of Ireland to Scotland and the northwest coast of England. There will also be feeder races from designated staging points to the Foyle for those boats that wish to compete on route to the event.
The weekend will, of course, have a social side for the skippers and crews to blow off some steam after the days racing. There will be a welcome drinks session and finger food on a Friday night, with a barbeque on the Saturday night. Accommodation packages will be available for competitors at preferred rates. A full information package for this weekend will be published soon.
Our Junior Sailing Course has now begun and takes place on a Thursday night at Moville Pier. It is a joint venture with the Moville Sea Scouts and is open to 11-18 year olds.
The fee is €3 Euros for the night, merely to cover fuel for the rescue Boats.
Simply attend Moville Pier at 6.30pm on a Thursday night, complete the registration form and you are good to go!!!
This is a great way to introduce the kids to sailing and much Fun.
For further information, please email movilleboatclub@gmail.com.
The Sailing Programme 2017 has now been published.
To download a printable version, please click here.
For further information, please email movilleboatclub@gmail.com.